Push Dose Pressor Labels/Orders

During a slower emerg shift on Christmas day 2015, I finally designed push dose pressor labels and sticker orders/instructions for mixing that work with the labels in our emergency department. I use these for resuscitations and teaching.

The source is from Scott Weingart at emcrit.org where there is a blog post on epinephrine and phenylephrine as IV bolus dose pressors for transient hypotension during sedation or peri-intubation or as a bridge to pressor infusions with printable mixing instructions.

Feel free to download the word template for epinephrine and phenylephrine push dose labels and orders as stickers (version 1) (version 2) and adapt as you wish.

Other links include:

Phenylephrine reference at Life In The Fast Lane

Rant on push dose pressors at EMRAP

Blog post on push dose pressors at emDocs

Laminated cards for push dose pressors in resuscitation at the PHARM

More accurate mixing of phenylephrine from Emerg. Med. PharmD

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  1. Pingback: Push Dose Pressor Labels/Orders | Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine - THE PHARM dedicated to the memory of Dr John Hinds

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